Car Detailing

Planning some travel over the Easter break? Travelling with kids is a fantastic opportunity to make precious memories, and what better time than at Easter when the weather is mild, and the public holidays are in abundance! To keep the journey on track and ensure everyone has a good time, follow our top tips below! […]

There’s nothing more annoying than getting to the end of washing the car, and noticing that water spots have formed, ruining the appearance of all of your hard work. Follow our top tips below to avoid water spots each time you wash your car. As always, the professionals at Jim’s Car Detailing are available to […]

Pressure washers are one of the most powerful cleaning tools on the market. With nothing but water and a pinch of elbow grease, you can clean all kinds of surfaces in just a fraction of the time. But pressure washing’s usefulness goes far beyond cleaning your driveway. You can put this versatile tool to use […]

If you really think about it, we spend most of our busy days hanging out in the car. It’s our mode of transportation, our favourite restaurant, our personal theatre and just our go-to hideaway. But when it comes to freshening up, that pine tree air freshener hanging off your rearview mirror can only do so […]

Our vehicles say a lot about who we are and what we value. They exhibit our style, elevate our status, and even showcase our state of mind. So when our cars start to look more than a little road weary, it may bother us more than we realise. From road trips and food spills to […]

Summer has waved goodbye and, like it or not, we are now looking at the Winter months… cold weather, wet weather, and even a little snow in some places. So now is the time to ensure that your car is ready for winter. Have You Serviced The Vehicle Lately? Nothing worse than breaking down when […]

Do you ever miss how your car looked and smelled when you first bought it? But what if there was a way to restore that new car quality to your vehicle? The answer is car detailing. Car detailing is a service that helps keep your vehicle in the best condition possible through cleaning, vacuuming, special […]

Everyone loves the look and feel of a brand-new car, right? Now imagine if your car always felt new, even after months or even years of use. The key is car washing and detailing! If you’re not familiar with the term, car detailing is a process that helps keep your vehicle in top condition (cosmetically). […]

The following items have appeared ‘in the news’ in the past month. Motorists with Self-Driving Cars Can Watch TV On The Road Under Proposed UK Highway Code Change  In a country where we are fined for ‘touching’ a mobile phone whilst driving it’s pretty amazing to hear of a country foretelling the arrival of self […]

Our lives are filled with colour, from our carpet to our walls, our clothing to our transportation… colour is a large part of life. If you think about it, the colour you choose for your automobile can say a lot about you as a person. It has been said that people who drive red cars […]