Planning A Road Trip?

Planning some travel over the Easter break? Travelling with kids is a fantastic opportunity to make precious memories, and what better time than at Easter when the weather is mild, and the public holidays are in abundance! To keep the journey on track and ensure everyone has a good time, follow our top tips below!

Plan Your Route

Make sure you plan your route and stops in advance. Take into consideration the ages of your kids and their needs, such as bathroom breaks, nap time, meals, and entertainment.

Pack Wisely

Pack plenty of snacks, drinks, and games for the road. Bring pillows and blankets to make the ride more comfortable. Don’t forget to pack essentials such as wet wipes, rubbish bags, spare clothes etc.

Safety First

Always make sure your kids are wearing their seat belts, and use appropriate car seats for younger children. Pack a first-aid kit, and know the location of nearby hospitals and urgent care centres.

Keep Them Entertained

Bring along books, games, and other activities to keep your kids entertained during the trip. You can also play games such as ‘I Spy’ or ’20 Questions’ to help pass the time.

Take Breaks

Plan to stop every few hours to stretch your legs, use the bathroom, and get some fresh air. Look for rest areas or parks where your kids can run around and burn off some energy.

Book In A Professional Car Clean For Your Return

Road trips can provide tough wear and tear on your vehicle! Dust, dirt, mud, bugs, sand, food stains, the list goes on. Book in a professional car detail for when you’re back, to get your car back to its usual condition.

Enjoy The Journey!

Above all, remember to enjoy the journey. Take in the scenery, enjoy the company of your travel companions and have fun along the way.

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