Your Autumn Cleaning Checklist

The changing seasons act as an easy calendar reminder to take on some bulkier cleaning tasks. In Autumn, we target areas which have either received high traffic in Summer, or are expecting high traffic in Winter. Read on to see what our professional cleaners recommend tackling as the weather cools down.


Autumn is a good time to clean windows and remove the visible effects of La Nina which has run through Summer. A dry, warm autumn has been predicted, so now is the perfect time to let all that extra light in and enjoy sparkling windows!

Cob-web dusting

We’ve been through spider season! Now is the time to dust around your home and remove the cobwebs which have appeared over the last 3 months. Start from the top of your walls and work your way down. Remember corners, crevices and around light fittings.

Upholstery cleaning

Winter generally means a lot of time indoors, cosying up on the couch. Before we get there, now is a good time to ensure your interior spaces are refreshed. Professional upholstery cleaning will provide you with the best results, but for an at home solution we recommend sprinkling some bicarb soda over your upholstery then vacuum using a soft brush attachment.

Outdoor furniture

Autumn is a great time to wash away the dirt and wear and tear from Summer. Pressure cleaning is the quickest and easiest way to tidy floors. Remove outdoor furniture covers, wash and store them where possible.

Declutter summer items

Go through your belongings and get rid of anything you no longer need or use. Store summer items, pack away summer clothing, outdoor equipment, and other seasonal items which may not be of use.

The beauty of spring cleaning is being able to open up the windows after a cold damp winter, airing out the house and going through each room for a deep declutter and clean. But it can be a bit overwhelming, and there are often tasks you forget about and never get back to. We’ve compiled […]

Australia COVID-19 Update We can assure you that all our franchisees are following strict health and safety procedures, wearing appropriate PPE, and following all government recommendations and advice.  Steps we are taking to reduce the spread: No active franchisee has traveled overseas in the last 14  days Any franchisee displaying flu/cold-like symptoms are isolating/getting tested […]

Our lives are filled with colour, from our carpet to our walls, our clothing to our transportation… colour is a large part of life. If you think about it, the colour you choose for your automobile can say a lot about you as a person. It has been said that people who drive red cars […]

Dealing with dog poop on your carpet is an unpleasant but common challenge for many pet owners. Not only does it make your living space unsightly, but it also poses health risks and can leave lingering odours if not properly cleaned.  Aside from answering the question, “How do I clean dog poop off my carpet?” […]