Car Detailing

There are a lot of myths out there concerning ‘how to look after a car with matte paint or vinyl wrap so let’s get the facts! You do not have to protect your matte paint/wrap WRONG. Matte paint is probably more susceptible to damage from the environment like water spotting from rain, and Matte vinyl […]

One: My car was really, really dirty In my defence I am a busy person. Breakfast, school run, work, school run, sports, dinner, tidy up, bed, sleep start over. I never seem to have the time to spend on cleaning my car, especially the interior that takes a hammering. I did manage to drive through […]

Okay, I get it… you’re sick of Covid this – Covid that. Covid, Covid, Covid – and like you I wish that it was all over and that I could simply get back to living my life. But from what I hear, we have to get used to this and learn to live with it. […]

It’s that time again… when you have to think of a great Christmas gift for your car. In comparison, gifts for the rest of the family is ‘child’s play’. Mum and Dad always say that they don’t want anything, so give them their wish. Your oddball Uncle can’t go past a pair of funny socks […]

If you’ve got a fantastic paint job on your vehicle, one of the best things you can do to protect your car’s value is adding paint protection. Top of the line paint protection film is a type of urethane film also known as an ‘automotive clear bra’. Applied to a vehicle’s doors, hood, bumpers, and […]

Spring is here, and the weather is getting better every day. It’s the ideal time for getting outside and hitting the road, especially after we’ve spent so much time confined to our homes. But is your car clean and roadworthy enough to drive this spring? If not, you could be putting yourself and your passengers […]

What is car detailing? Car Detailing is the process of detailed interior and exterior cleaning to return your vehicle to the best condition it can be. What does car detailing include? On the inside of the vehicle it includes vacuuming, shampooing carpets and fabrics, leather cleaning and enrichment, cleaning hard services, cleaning windows and cleaning […]

Everyday names, everyday cars… have you ever wondered how these car companies got their names? Mercedes-Benz In 1897, Austrian entrepreneur Emil Jellinek began ordering Daimler cars that he could drive in some of Europe’s quickly growing auto races. By the dawn of the 20th century, Jellinek had a number of Daimlers that he adored driving. […]

Let me preface everything that is to follow by saying that we love our clients and without them we would not have the thriving businesses that we have today. But, we love some clients just a bit more than other clients. Wet = Clean Actually most of these owners are not yet our clients [hopefully […]

I understand all about ‘loving’ your car, truck or bike and wanting to do lots of ‘loving’ things that keep your special loved one looking fabulous. So, I also understand your basic and primal desire to personally get out there on the weekend to do these ‘loving’ things. I mean, what better demonstration of love […]