Home & Office Cleaning

Jim’s End of Lease Cleaning Checklist Is your lease expiring soon? Do you need a professional cleaning service to help you with your end of lease cleaning? If so, check out our End Of Lease Cleaning Checklist. If the property is not left in good condition you will likely not receive your bond money back, which […]

5 signs that you have hired a quality vacate cleaning company It is much easier to hire a professional vacate cleaning company, than it is to trying to do it alone.  Especially if you have a lot on your plate. When looking for a quality vacate cleaning company, it is important for you to make sure that […]

3 Traits That Make You Perfect To Own Cleaning Franchises Have you even thought of owning your own cleaning franchise? Many people have benefited from owning cleaning franchises. It can prove to be a very profitable business. People are looking for a way to be their own boss, own their own business, and be more independent. […]

Why pressure cleaners are more effective than other cleaning methods There are some really solid reasons why pressure cleaners are used. They are more effective than other cleaning methods. Pressure cleaners can get the tiles cleaned in the shower, the stains off of the concrete patio, and the mould off the side of the house. Pressure cleaners also work great to […]

The Risks of DIY Steam Cleaning Carpets are an important furnishing item in a room. Like any other item in the home, carpets require some cleaning after considerable use, and steam cleaning is one of the most effective means of cleaning carpets. Usually, professional steam cleaning services should be used for getting carpets cleaned. But there are […]

Jim’s Cleaning Tips for Home Cleaning Cleaning is an incessant but important household chore. If you ignore this vital duty of yours, then soon your home could well become uninviting. This could easily reflect negatively on you as a homeowner. Many people often put household chores on the back burner, but procrastination only makes home […]

3 Reasons to Hire a Grout Cleaner Today While functional, tiles often add a touch of class and elegance to your home. It’s therefore your duty to ensure that the tiles are cleaned properly to maintain the upkeep of your dwelling. However, people often neglect the cleaning of tiles and grout. This, unfortunately, can mar […]

How is Commercial Cleaning Different to Home Cleaning? Cleaning is an essential household chore. You can make use of a number of home cleaning techniques to accomplish this all important task. Commercial cleaning on the other hand is a different kettle of fish altogether. It’s reserved mainly for businesses and offices and makes use of […]

Hiring Professional Cleaners Hiring professional cleaners can prove to be of great help in keeping your home and office clean and tidy. Yet with so many cleaning services available choosing the best one becomes a challenging task. Below are some tips that will help you hire cleaners that are best suited for your cleaning needs. […]

Why Choose Jim’s Bond Cleaning? Bond cleaning is extremely important if you want to claim your bond from the real estate agent. There are a number of excellent companies that offer bond cleaning services to you. However, Jim’s Cleaning is definitely one of the best bond cleaners in the country at the moment. Jim’s Cleaning […]