Old Fashioned Cleaning Tips That Actually Work!

Modern technology has provided so many wonderful inventions that has made cleaning so much easier. From the humble vacuums origins in 1908, we now have readily available access to robotic vacuum & mop duos! Microfibre cloths changed the dusting game in the 1970s, and who could forget when dishwashers were introduced in the 50s & 60s.

We’re eternally grateful for modern advances in the cleaning space, but we have to give props to the old fashioned cleaning tips that really do work! We’ve listed our favourites below, give them a go in your next cleaning routine and let us know what you think!

1. Lemon juice – the hero of the household

Not only is lemon a wonderful addition to salads, juices, and meals, it is also a wonderful bleaching agent which is great for removing stains. You can remove stains from chopping boards by rubbing them with lemon juice and salt and leave overnight. Lemon is also a great addition to any home made all purpose cleaners. It has antibacterial qualities and provides a wonderful scent.

2. Banish nasty odours with baking soda

Baking soda (or bi-carb soda) is an excellent option for neutralising home odours. This is because most smells are due to acid levels, and baking soda is a PH neutraliser. You can sprinkle baking soda on your rugs, couches, bedding, etc. and vacuum after 20 minutes. You can also sprinkle some in the bottom of your bin (wipe up before changing bin bags).

3. Walnuts fix wood scratches

Knicks, knocks and dents happen to furniture in daily life. You can improve the look of a banged up cupboard by rubbing a raw walnut back and forth across the length of the scratch for about 30 seconds. The oil from the nut will seep into the wood and help to conceal the appearance of it. After a few minutes, use a soft cloth and polish the whole piece.

4. Kitchen gloves to remove pet hair

Before lint rollers were commonplace, a pair of rubber kitchen gloves was all that was required to remove unwanted pet hair from sofas, carpeting or clothing. Just slide the gloves on and rub down any areas that are showing pet hair. When you’re done, simply rinse the gloves and the hair will come right off.

5. Rubbing alcohol to remove fingerprints from stainless steel

Stainless steel cleaners are brilliant, but you may not always have one on hand! Before the invention of this wonderful product, rubbing alcohol was used to keep stainless steel sparkling. Apply a little to a cotton cloth and rub lightly over the surface to remove marks.

6. Pick up a broken glass with a piece of bread

Breaking a glass, photo frame or lightbulb makes a mess that can be quite dangerous. Before the vacuums were readily available, people used an unlikely pantry staple to clean up. Gently press/wipe a piece of bread where the breakage occurred. Follow up with a broom/vacuum.

7. When in doubt – try white vinegar

Ok not really… but white vinegar has so many uses in cleaning. Use vinegar to kill & prevent mould growth. Add vinegar to your window cleaning solution to minimise streaks. Boil vinegar in your kettle to remove built up mineral deposits. Microwave a small bowl of vinegar & water for 2-3 minutes or until it boils, then wipe away the build-up. Remove built-up mineral deposits from your showerhead by securing a bag of vinegar so that the showerhead is submerged. Throw it into your washing machine in place of fabric softener. There’s little it can’t do!!

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