How Bad Can It Get?

Sometimes we have clients who, let’s be honest, don’t think that we are going to be able to detail their vehicle to a good standard… so they don’t make the booking for fear of wasting their money.

This may be the case for some other companies (don’t get me started, I hear horror stories on a daily basis) but rest assured that if a Jim’s Car Detailer accepts the challenge they will give it everything they have to deliver!

This vehicle was recently booked in for a detail

Note the heavy staining on the side of the vehicle caused by bore water sprinklers and the general poor condition of the paintwork.
Note, in addition to the general grime and dirt that is apparent, the vehicle also had extensive upholstery staining and mould on the steering wheel.

And after several hours of hard work the result was… well simply stunning!

The bodywork was clean and shining
The interior looked completely fresh and rejuvenated

So if you have a ‘challenge’ and you are looking for someone to tackle it for you… give Jim’s a call on 131 546!

Note: Additional charges may apply dependent upon the condition of the vehicle.

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