How To Clean Dog Poop Off Of Carpet

dirty carpet

Dealing with dog poop on your carpet is an unpleasant but common challenge for many pet owners. Not only does it make your living space unsightly, but it also poses health risks and can leave lingering odours if not properly cleaned. 

Aside from answering the question, “How do I clean dog poop off my carpet?” this detailed guide will walk you through the steps to effectively remove dog poop smell from your carpet and restore your carpet to its original condition.

How to get dog poop out of carpet

  • Remove the excess — Carefully pick up any solid pieces with a dustpan or scrape them off with a spatula. The key here is to lift the waste without pressing it deeper into the carpet fibres.
  • Blot the stain — Blot the affected area gently to remove as much moisture as possible. Avoid rubbing or scrubbing, as this can spread the stain further.
  • Apply an enzymatic cleaner —Use a cleaner specifically designed for pet stains, such as an enzymatic cleaner that breaks down proteins and effectively removes stains and odours. Apply the cleaner according to the manufacturer’s instructions, typically by spraying it directly onto the stain.
  • Let it sit — Allow the cleaner to sit for the time recommended on the product label, usually about 10–15 minutes. This is crucial for the enzymes to break down the organic matter.
  • Blot and rinse — Blot the area again after the cleaner has sat to absorb the dissolved waste. Then, lightly rinse the area with cold water and blot dry.
  • Dry the carpet — Use clean towels weighed down with a heavy object to absorb the remaining moisture. Replace the towels as needed until the carpet is as dry as possible.
  • Vacuum — Once the carpet is completely dry, vacuum the area to restore its texture and remove any remaining particles.

How to get dog poop smell out of carpet

The smell of dog poop can linger if not appropriately addressed. Here are some options to keep your carpet odour-free:

  • Baking soda — After cleaning, sprinkle baking soda over the area and let it sit overnight. Vacuum it up the next day. Baking soda effectively absorbs residual odours.
  • Vinegar solution — Mix equal parts water and white vinegar and spray lightly over the cleaned area to neutralise odours. Blot dry after a few minutes.
  • Enzyme cleaners — Use enzyme-based cleaners specifically designed for pet odours. These cleaners break down the organic matter in dog poop that causes lingering smells. Apply according to the product instructions and allow sufficient time for the cleaner to work before blotting or rinsing.
  • Hydrogen peroxide — For tougher odours, you can use a solution of hydrogen peroxide with water (test it on a hidden area first to ensure it doesn’t bleach the carpet). This solution can help break down odours at a molecular level. Apply sparingly, let it sit for a while, then blot it up.
  • Professional odour neutralisers — If home remedies aren’t effective, consider using commercial-grade odour neutralisers. These products are formulated to deal with stubborn pet odours and can provide a more long-lasting solution to odour problems.
  • Essential oils — After cleaning, adding a few drops of essential oils like lavender or lemon to the area can leave your carpet smelling fresh. Mix the oil with water in a spray bottle and lightly mist over the carpet. This not only helps with the smell but also adds a pleasant scent to the environment.

How to prevent dog poop stains on carpet

  • Regular cleaning — Routine vacuuming helps maintain the cleanliness of your carpet by removing dirt and debris before they settle deep into the fibres, which can prevent the development of stains and odours over time.
  • Training and routines — Establish a consistent routine for your dog, including regular trips outside to relieve themselves. Training your pet to go to the bathroom outside instead of inside is crucial. Consider crate training or using puppy pads in designated areas to minimise accidents.
  • Immediate response — When accidents do happen, act quickly. The faster you address the mess, the less likely it will soak into deeper carpet layers, making cleaning easier and reducing the chance of lasting odours or stains.
  • Deterrents — Some products can help deter pets from revisiting and soiling the same area. These are usually sprays containing scents that discourage pets from marking. Ensure any product used is safe for pets and suitable for carpets.
  • Barrier creation — Restrict your pet’s access to carpeted areas with baby gates or pet fences until they are fully house-trained. This can prevent accidents in difficult-to-clean areas.
  • Pet health — Regularly monitor your pet’s health. Sometimes, accidents on the carpet are due to underlying health issues that may require veterinary attention. A healthy pet is less likely to have accidents indoors.
  • Professional cleaning — Consider scheduling regular professional carpet cleaning to maintain hygiene and freshness, especially in homes with pets.

When to call the professionals

While the above steps can be effective for minor incidents of dog poop on carpets, significant stains or persistent odours may require professional attention. This is especially true for delicate or high-value carpets that demand specialised care.

Professional cleaners have access to advanced tools and specialised cleaning solutions unavailable to the general public. These resources enable them to effectively remove tough stains and odours that DIY methods cannot tackle. 

Additionally, professional cleaning can help preserve the integrity and extend the lifespan of your carpets, ensuring they continue to look their best for years to come. If you’ve tried multiple cleaning methods without success, or if the stained area is large and prominently seen on the carpet surface, it’s wise to seek professional help. They can assess the damage and apply the appropriate treatments without risking further harm to your carpet.

Trust Jim’s Cleaning for spotless results

Dealing with dog poop on your carpet is never pleasant, but with the right approach, it can be managed effectively. However, for those tough stains or when you simply don’t have the time or resources, Jim’s Cleaning is here to help. 

Our professional cleaning services and specialised pet stain & odour cleaner can tackle any pet stain, no matter how stubborn, leaving your carpets looking and smelling fresh. Whether you need a one-time clean-up or regular carpet maintenance, our team is equipped with the tools and expertise to restore your carpet to pristine condition. 

Request a free quote today or explore our comprehensive home cleaning services, including carpet cleaning. We can help keep your home spotless and hygienic, giving you more time to enjoy with your furry friends.

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