Benefits Of Prioritising A Clean Home

In an age of frenetic activity, it’s easy to let cleaning slide to the bottom of our priorities. After all, there are only so many hours in the day, and when we’re already juggling work, family, and social obligations, who has time to clean? 

That said, cleaning is a lot more than just a household chore. If recent studies are to be believed, the benefits of cleaning are extremely important to our overall wellbeing.

So how much can cleaning improve your life, and how can you prioritise it without rearranging your schedule?

Follow along as we explore why and how to keep your house organised, including some easy tips for keeping your house tidy.

Physical benefits of a clean home

A clean home is a happy home and an organised one at that. The more you clean, the better you’ll work, and the better your body will feel.

The biggest physical benefits of prioritising a clean home include:

  • Reduced germ exposure — This benefit speaks for itself. Removing potential pathogens is always a good idea in a time of uncertain diseases and weakened immune systems.
  • Lowered allergy symptoms — Allergens like dirt, dust and pet fur build up faster than we’d like to admit. Regular cleanings eliminate excess buildup and keep nagging allergy symptoms at bay.
  • Decreased pest activity — Insects and rodents always seek an excuse to invade your home. Frequently taking out the trash, scrubbing surfaces, and vacuuming the floors will reduce your risks of infestation.
  • Recovered sleep response — Short sleeping hours and interrupted rest can wreak havoc on your productivity. Not only can a clean home help restore your sleep environment, but it may help you fall asleep even faster.
  • Enhanced organisation — No more digging through the pantry or sifting through clutter. An organised home lets you find what you’re looking for at lightning speed, putting time back into your day for other things.

From sleep and productivity to fewer household pathogens, a weekly clean could make a world of difference for yourself and your loved ones.

Mental benefits of a clean home

The physical profits of cleanliness are only the beginning. Keeping your house tidy can support your mental health in various ways and even boost your productivity and overall sense of success.

These include:

  • Less stress — People experiencing high stress levels tend to manifest clutter at home and in their workspaces. Some evidence suggests that reduced clutter leads to reduced stress and vice versa.
  • Higher productivity — The cleaner your home is, the faster your mind can work. In fact, greater cleanliness leads to fewer distractions, which focuses your efforts and yields better outcomes.
  • Better confidence — According to surveys, people who engage in regular cleaning tasks are less nervous and more creatively inspired than those who do not. Just washing the dishes could have a profound effect on your confidence.
  • Calmer moods — The act of cleaning has long been associated with reduced anxiety. The simple act of sweeping the floor could lessen feelings of tension and depression throughout the day.

You don’t need to be a cleaning prodigy to reap the benefits of regular cleaning. In fact, you can enjoy the outcome of a clean home with nothing but a quick phone call.

How to keep your home clean

Even with so many things vying for our attention these days, cleaning is a task that should never get left on the back burner.

Fortunately, prioritising this in your home is a lot simpler than you’d think.

Here’s how to keep your house clean while balancing the rest of your life.

1. Create a set schedule

Know what to clean and when to clean it — without leaving gaps that clutter might fill.

Start by setting a schedule for chores on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. For example, you might want to target compounding chores like dishes once per day. Scrubbing the bathroom and mopping the floor could be done on different days of the week. Less frequent tasks, including steam cleaning and cleaning, can be done every month.

2. Take a proactive approach

Rather than waiting for clutter to consume your space, stop the cycle in advance — long before it grows into a snowball effect.

Be protective about tasks like putting dishes away, making your bed and cleaning up messes as they occur. The longer you procrastinate, the longer it’ll take, and the longer you’ll wait for a totally clean home.

Remember: it’s perfectly acceptable to delegate, especially to professional cleaners.

3. Get professional help

The tips we’ve explored are a great way to get started with house cleaning — if you have time, that is. Those with busy schedules and packed social calendars won’t have time to accomplish everything they want on their own.

Fortunately, they don’t have to.

Professional cleaners are a perfect fit for growing families, busy professionals, and any kind of on-the-go lifestyle. By cleaning your house on a schedule that works for you, you can reap the rewards of a spotless home without sacrificing your time, talent and resources. Best of all, your services can be completed without an ounce of supervision. No babysitting is required!

The benefits of a professional cleaner simply cannot be ignored. And for thousands of homeowners nationwide, that professional team is Jim’s Cleaning.

How to keep a tidy house with Jim’s Cleaning

At Jim’s Cleaning, we understand that your schedule can only accommodate so much. We’ve helped thousands of homeowners find their happy place with full-service cleaning programs that address any need. From oven cleaning and one-time visits to regular weekly programs, we grant all the benefits and none of the drawbacks — satisfaction guaranteed!

Request a quote today, and let Jim’s Cleaning make your property spick and span. Go ahead — it’s free!

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