Vacuum Cleaner FAQ’s

For many of us, our vacuum cleaners are one of the most valuable cleaning appliances in our home. Being used multiple times a week to remove dust and debris from your floors, a good vacuum is an investment into your home. And like all investments, ensuring it gets the proper care is the best way to protect it.

Should I clean my vacuum?

I know what you’re thinking… if you clean the vacuum cleaner are you then the vacuum cleaner?

Jokes aside, your vacuum cleaner does in fact need regular cleaning for it to maintain optimum performance. Before starting any maintenance, you should first read the instructions for your model, taking note of how to access and replace filters, which parts are safe to wash and other specific advice for your model.

If you have a bagless model, you will want to be emptying the dust bin after each use. Clean the roller head, removing any dust, hair or threads that may have gotten caught. For bagged models, replace the bag when it’s about two-thirds full. Leaving it until it’s completely full will affect the suction and your vacuum won’t perform as well. Most machines will have a full indicator, but they aren’t always fool proof. Periodically check the bag and ensure that it doesn’t get too full.

Every month or so, you’ll want to brush accumulated dust off any removeable filters. Once a year you will want to look at replacing your filters, and booking in a service for your machine. All vacuum manufacturers recommend an annual service to not only thoroughly clean the unit but to alert you of any potential problems caused by overfilled bags, blocked filters or hoses etc.

Can my vacuum cleaner pick up water?

Most machines that have the ability to pick up water will clearly show this on the machine such as “Wet & dry vac”, etc. If you use a dry-only machine to pick up water, it will almost certainly damage your machine and could be dangerous to you.

Can I use my vacuum cleaner to pick up plaster/cement dust during a renovation?

The number one reason vacuums end up in a repair centre is due to blown motors after picking up very fine plaster/cement dust. This type of dust is particularly messy and gets through filters. If it gets through the motor filter, particles can settle on the motor bearings and act as an abrasive to wear it down. Sometimes this dust will clog the electrics of the motor causing short circuits.

If you use your vacuum cleaner for this purpose, be aware of the above and show extra care at this time to maintain your machine. If you engage a builder or tradesperson, ensure that you notify them that your vacuum is not to be used.

Is an upright vacuum cleaner better for backpain?

If you’re susceptible to backpain, you might be leaning towards an upright vacuum to help ease the pain of the daily chores. You should definitely consider a vacuum with a rotating brush system. This can be available in uprights as well as barrel vacuums with a turbo or power head which can sometimes be even lighter to operate.

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