UK Motoring Trends

The following items have appeared ‘in the news’ in the past month.

Motorists with Self-Driving Cars Can Watch TV On The Road Under Proposed UK Highway Code Change

 In a country where we are fined for ‘touching’ a mobile phone whilst driving it’s pretty amazing to hear of a country foretelling the arrival of self drive vehicles with the necessary legislative changes to allow the driver to watch tv.

There are currently no vehicles approved for self-driving on roads in the UK, but if the vehicles get the green light then the government has laid out rules which would apply. And apparently this allows the driver to watch tv whilst the vehicle is in transit.

Drivers Could Be Fined for Having A Messy Car

Drivers in the UK are being warned they could be hit with a fine if their car is too messy.

And it’s not just your empty takeaway boxes and half filled bottles of water – the rule also covers the cleanliness of your car.

If your mirrors or windscreen is too filthy to use, you could be hit with a similar fine, and an obscured number plate can also incur a fine, if it’s so dirty the numbers or letters can’t be read clearly.

We wholeheartedly support this proposal (contact your local MP) and

If you need help with this… we know a man…

Call Jim’s @ 131 546

The changing seasons act as an easy calendar reminder to take on some bulkier cleaning tasks. In Autumn, we target areas which have either received high traffic in Summer, or are expecting high traffic in Winter. Read on to see what our professional cleaners recommend tackling as the weather cools down. Windows Autumn is a […]

Christmas is just around the corner! It might be the most wonderful time of the year, but it always comes with lots to do in preparation for the big day. We all want to showcase our homes in the best possible light, and this means staying on top of all those essential cleaning jobs in […]

It’s estimated that as many as 80% of couples argue over housework and daily chores. The most common argument revolves around when to do housework, how to do it, and who should do it. We can help mediate some of the quarrels with some tips below. Write a list Organise a time for you and […]

Are you looking for effective methods on how to clean fly screens? Cleaning fly screens can seem daunting at first. Many of us face challenges like dealing with delicate mesh that’s easily damaged, reaching screens on high windows or simply not knowing the best cleaning methods to use. Whether it’s a fixed fly screen door […]