New Year Cleaning Routine

If you’re anything like me, your house cleaning has been quite neglected in recent weeks. With school and work wrapping up, Christmas presents to buy, New Year celebrations to attend and beach days on the calendar there hasn’t been much left over time to keep the house in order.

Now that the new year has rolled in, it’s a good idea to get reset your routines to ensure you’re ready for a productive 2022. Check out our top tips below

1. Pick up nightly

We know this can be a bit of a drag. But if you can allocate 15 minutes before you head to bed every night to return things to their homes, it can make a big difference! Think, picking up toys, putting away mail, taking out rubbish and recycling.

2. Think prevention in your everyday activities

Wipe down the stove to prevent baked on stains, squeegee the shower after use, put folding away as you complete it. Preventing mess from building up greatly improves your cleaning time.

3. Set specific cleaning days

Allocate specific days to take on certain cleaning tasks. Most people leave all of the cleaning to a weekend day when they have more time. This can become overwhelming if you have a busy schedule. Allocating individual days to clean the bathroom, toilet, and floors can help spread out the cleaning, meaning you’re not skipping tasks due to insufficient time.

4. Go task to task rather than room to room

When you’re dusting, do the entire house in one go and then move on to vacuum every room of the house. This can be time saving (depending on your home) as it means you have the necessary cleaning products out and ready to use. You’re not heading back and forth getting the things you need.

5. Recognise when you need additional help

If you’re struggling to keep on top of your weekly household cleaning then consider engaging a professional to lighten the load. Or if you can manage the weekly tasks but can’t seem to find the time to fit in the annual things like window cleaning or outdoor cleaning, outsource the work to Jim’s!

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