Our Guide To A 30 Minute Quick Clean

It’s that time of the year again! The calendar is full, your to-do list is never ending, and you’ve just received a call that some friends want to pop by to wish you well during the holiday season. With limited time, how do you present the tidiest, cleanest house possible? Read on to see our top tips on how to complete a rapid, 30 minute clean!

First thing you want to focus on is the main common areas your guests will likely spend time in. This means you needn’t worry about the state of your spare room or upstairs ensuite. Do a quick declutter and pick up things from your entry way, lounge room, kitchen & sitting area.

  • Pick up entryway
  • Do a quick declutter on main level
  • Vacuum noticeable dirt/pet hair
  • Wipe down kitchen benches
  • Clear dishes from sink/drying rack
  • Wipe down bathroom sinks
  • Clean toilets
  • Put out fresh hand towels
  • Move any washing to an area it won’t be viewed
  • Spot mop any visible dirty marks on tiles/wood/vinyl flooring

If you’ve got a little extra time, we’d suggest you turn your attention to the area you’re most likely to spend the most time in. Fine tune that area with the following:

  • Quick dust
  • Wipe down mirrors
  • Arrange pillows/throw blankets
  • Put on a diffuser or candle to give the space a fresh and inviting smell

If you find yourself with a few extra minutes, you could whip up a batch of cookies or a quick cake to really welcome your guests!

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Modern technology has provided so many wonderful inventions that has made cleaning so much easier. From the humble vacuums origins in 1908, we now have readily available access to robotic vacuum & mop duos! Microfibre cloths changed the dusting game in the 1970s, and who could forget when dishwashers were introduced in the 50s & […]