How To Remove Dog Smell From Your House

Dogs bring joy and companionship to our lives, but they can also bring along some unpleasant odours. If you’re struggling with dog smell in your house, you’re not alone. Getting rid of dog smell can be challenging, but with the proper techniques and tools, you can restore a fresh and clean environment. 

This comprehensive guide will walk you through how to get rid of dog smell in your house, ensuring your space smells pleasant and inviting.

Why does your house smell like dogs?

Understanding the sources of dog smell can help you tackle the problem more effectively. Common culprits include:

  • Natural oils and dander — Dogs produce oils that can seep into carpets, furniture and bedding.
  • Accidents — Occasional accidents on the carpet or floors can leave lingering odours.
  • Dirty paws — Muddy or dirty paws can track in dirt and bacteria.
  • Dog beds and toys — These can accumulate odours over time.
  • Inadequate grooming — Infrequent baths and grooming can contribute to the smell.

Tools and materials to get rid of dog smell in the house

  • Vacuum cleaner with HEPA filter
  • Carpet cleaner or steam cleaner
  • Baking soda
  • White vinegar
  • Enzyme cleaner
  • Air purifier
  • Pet-safe deodorisers
  • Washing machine and pet-safe detergent
  • Microfibre cloths

How to get rid of dog smell in your house

  1. Establish regular grooming and cleaning
  • Bathe your dog regularly — Use a dog-specific shampoo to keep your pet clean. Aim for a bath every 1–2 weeks, depending on your dog’s breed and activity level.
  • Brush your dog daily — Regular brushing helps remove loose fur and dander, reducing the amount that ends up in your home.
  • Clean paws after walks — Wipe your dog’s paws with a damp cloth or pet-safe wipes after each walk to prevent dirt from being tracked inside.
  1. Clean dog beds and toys
  • Wash dog bedding — Launder your dog’s bed and blankets weekly using pet-safe detergent. Add a cup of white vinegar to the rinse cycle to help neutralise odours.
  • Clean toys — Wash soft toys in the washing machine and wipe down hard toys with a solution of water and white vinegar.
  1. Vacuum thoroughly
  • Use a vacuum with a HEPA filter — Vacuum all carpets, rugs and upholstery regularly to remove pet hair and dander. Pay special attention to areas where your dog frequently lies.
  • Empty the vacuum bag often — Pet hair and dander can quickly fill a vacuum bag, reducing its effectiveness. Empty or replace the bag as needed.
  1. Treat carpets and upholstery
  • Sprinkle baking soda — Sprinkle baking soda generously on carpets and upholstery. Let it sit for 15–30 minutes to absorb odours, then vacuum it up.
  • Use an enzyme cleaner — For stubborn odours, apply an enzyme cleaner to affected areas. Enzyme cleaners break down the proteins in pet urine and other organic materials, effectively eliminating odours.
  1. Deep clean carpets
  • Rent or buy a carpet cleaner — Use a carpet cleaner or steam cleaner to deep clean carpets. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions and use a pet-safe cleaning solution.
  • Spot clean as needed — For smaller stains, spot clean with a mixture of white vinegar and water.
  1. Clean hard floors
  • Mop with a pet-safe cleaner — Regularly mop hard floors with a pet-safe cleaning solution. A mixture of water and white vinegar works well for tile and vinyl floors.
  1. Freshen the air
  • Use an air purifier — Invest in an air purifier with a HEPA filter to remove pet dander and odours from the air.
  • Ventilate your home — Open windows and doors to allow fresh air to circulate.
  • Use pet-safe deodorisers — Spray pet-safe deodorisers in the air and on furniture to help neutralise odours.
  1. Schedule regular maintenance
  • Wash pet collars and leashes These items can also hold odours. Wash them regularly in warm, soapy water.
  • Clean your dog’s crate — If your dog uses a crate, clean it regularly with a pet-safe cleaner and wash any bedding inside.

Homemade solutions for pet odours

If you prefer natural and cost-effective methods, here are some homemade solutions to tackle pet odours using common household items:

  • White vinegar
  • Deodorising spray — Mix equal parts of white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Spray the solution on carpets, furniture and pet areas to neutralise odours. The vinegar smell will dissipate as it dries.
  • Floor cleaner — Add a cup of white vinegar to a bucket of warm water and use it to mop hard floors. This solution helps remove odours and disinfect surfaces.
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Stain and odour remover — Mix hydrogen peroxide with baking soda and a small amount of dish soap. Apply this mixture to stained areas, let it sit for a few minutes, then blot with a clean cloth and rinse with water.
  • Lemon juice
  • Air freshener — Mix lemon juice with water in a spray bottle and use it as a natural air freshener. The citrus scent helps neutralise pet odours.
  • Surface cleaner — Combine lemon juice with baking soda to form a paste. Use this paste to scrub surfaces and remove stubborn odours.

While these homemade cleaners are effective and generally safe for household use, ensure your pets do not ingest them. These ingredients can be harmful if consumed by dogs.

Additional tips for managing pet odours

  • Use washable slipcovers — Cover your furniture with washable slipcovers that can be laundered frequently.
  • Invest in high-quality air filters — Regularly replace HVAC filters to ensure they capture pet dander and odours effectively.
  • Clean pet areas regularly — To minimise odours, frequently clean your pet’s sleeping area, feeding stations and litter boxes.
  • Maintain a grooming schedule — Regular brushing and bathing help reduce the amount of dander and oils that contribute to odours.
  • Use odour-absorbing products — Place odour-absorbing materials like activated charcoal, baking soda or pet-safe air fresheners in areas where your pet spends a lot of time.
  • Vacuum furniture and drapes — Pet hair and dander can accumulate on furniture and drapes, so vacuum them regularly to reduce odours.
  • Maintain your pet’s diet — A balanced diet can help reduce shedding and dander, as poor nutrition can lead to skin problems and odours.
  • Use pet-specific cleaning products — Choose products designed specifically for pet odours and stains, formulated to neutralise and eliminate smells effectively.
  • Designate a pet area — If possible, designate a specific area in your home for your pet, which can help contain odours and make cleaning easier.
  • Install a pet door — A pet door can help keep the outdoors and indoors separate, reducing the amount of dirt and debris your pet tracks into the house.
  • Consider professional cleaning — If the smell persists, it might be time to call in professionals. They have the tools and expertise to deep clean carpets and upholstery.

Common mistakes to avoid when dealing with pet odours

  • Using harsh chemicals — Avoid using strong chemicals that can be harmful to pets and humans. Instead, opt for pet-safe cleaning products that neutralise odours without posing health risks.
  • Ignoring hidden spots — Pet odours can linger in places you might not immediately think of, such as under furniture, in corners, and on walls. Ensure you clean all areas where your pet spends time.
  • Over-wetting carpets and upholstery — When cleaning carpets and upholstery, avoid using too much water or cleaning solution. Excess moisture can lead to mould and mildew, exacerbating odours.
  • Not addressing the source — Simply masking odours with air fresheners doesn’t solve the problem. Always clean the source of the odour thoroughly to ensure it’s completely removed.
  • Using the wrong cleaning tools — Some cleaning tools, like certain types of vacuums, can spread pet dander and odours instead of removing them. Use a HEPA filter vacuum to capture and contain pet-related particles.

Keep your home clean and fresh with Jim’s Cleaning

Knowing how to get rid of dog smell can significantly improve your home’s environment and make it more pleasant for everyone. Following these comprehensive steps and maintaining regular cleaning habits can effectively eliminate pet odours and keep your home smelling fresh. 

For those persistent pet odours that regular cleaning can’t fully eliminate, consider enlisting the help of professionals. Jim’s Cleaning offers top-notch home cleaning services tailored to tackle even the toughest pet odours. Our experienced team uses advanced cleaning techniques and products designed to neutralise and remove pet smells. 

By scheduling regular cleaning with Jim’s Cleaning, you can maintain a fresh and odour-free home, ensuring a healthy and pleasant living environment for you and your pets. Request a free quote today or explore our home cleaning services and pet stain and odour cleaner, to keep your home smelling fresh.

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