Jim’s Cleaning Featured on Space Invaders!

Declutter and style guru Peter Walsh has returned home to Aussie shores to help families in desperate need. Peter Walsh has literally transformed thousands of lives with his New York Times best-selling books and TV shows, including 15 years with TV titans Oprah Winfrey and Rachael Ray. Now Peter heads up the Space Invaders team, alongside the queen of house flipping Cherie Barber and upcycle queen Angie Kent.

See the team’s top tips on improving your living space.

There’s so much to appreciate about vinyl roller blinds. They’re versatile, effortlessly stylish, inexpensive, and have a low-profile look that’s well-suited to home and commercial buildings alike. If you want to enjoy their benefits, however, you’ll want to know how to repair them if they’re torn or aren’t working properly. How to repair a torn […]

The question of “how often should you wash your car” can be tricky to answer, as it depends on several factors such as where you live, who rides in your car and the weather. A good starting point is to wash your car every two weeks. This makes your car look better, and it also […]

When summer rolls around, it’s the perfect time to dust off the cobwebs from around the house. Window cleaning is a task that gets placed on the spring cleaning to-do list but often gets pushed to the bottom as it can be a bit of a tricky job to get to. If you’ve got tall […]

Why pressure cleaners are more effective than other cleaning methods There are some really solid reasons why pressure cleaners are used. They are more effective than other cleaning methods. Pressure cleaners can get the tiles cleaned in the shower, the stains off of the concrete patio, and the mould off the side of the house. Pressure cleaners also work great to […]