How Do I Look After a Car With a ‘Matte’ Finish

There are a lot of myths out there concerning ‘how to look after a car with matte paint or vinyl wrap so let’s get the facts!

You do not have to protect your matte paint/wrap

WRONG. Matte paint is probably more susceptible to damage from the environment like water spotting from rain, and Matte vinyl is even weaker again so both definitely need some protection from the daily elements to keep them looking good.

You can use any car care products on matte paint/wrap

WRONG. Most car care contains gloss enhancing agents that will make your nice matte finish shiny and patchy. This includes quick detailers, most shampoos and especially wash & wax combos.

You can polish your matte paint/wrap

WRONG. The ‘matte’ is created in the outer most surface so anything with abrasives in it will flatten the matte finish making it glossy and destroying the matte.

Matte paint/wrap does not scratch

WRONG. This type of paint and wrap scratches just as easily as most but the difference is you cannot correct (polish/buff out) the scratches or marks! Do no go near automatic or even hand car washes, they will mark your paint/wrap. Ensure it is protected well so dirt and contamination will be easier to remove.

So what can you use?

This is a specialist area and as such you need to be using a specialist product/manufacturer. These products are available from all good auto stores. Just remember ABSOLUTELY NO SILICONE.

Or… you could simply give your local Jim a call on 131 546

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