Keep Your Home Clean: 3 House Cleaning Tips You Must Know

Commercial Cleaning

There’s nothing better than having your house look nice, clean and tidy. A clean home is a more relaxing environment to come home to, without being surrounded by unnecessary clutter. But having a clean home and following housekeeping tips isn’t just purely about aesthetics, either. Cleaning your house more regularly will also help you preserve the integrity of elements like the paint on the walls, and will also highlight potential issues (such as faulty electrics, worn rubber in window frames or unwanted insect visitors) more rapidly. This enables them to be fixed much more quickly and ensures that your house doesn’t just look great for longer — but also serves as a functional home for much longer too. 

Additionally, a clean home is also much better for the health of everyone living in it. A dirty or untidy home can allow insects, bacteria and mould to flourish, which increases the likelihood of people becoming ill or developing respiratory issues. That’s why we’ve put together these great tips for cleaning your house so that you can not only get it looking its best but keep it that way too. 

1. It’s an ongoing process 

One of the most important household cleaning tips to keep in mind is that cleaning is never a one-and-done thing; it’s a continually ongoing process. While you might have traditionally done your household cleaning in large chunks, it can be useful to break it down into several smaller steps of spot cleaning each day. By being proactive, you can better gain control of the issues that arise periodically and turn them into far more manageable jobs. 

2. Make sure you’re keeping your cleaning cloths clean 

Rags and cloths are an essential tool in keeping your home clean and tidy; they’re useful for a variety of cleaning and dusting purposes. But one common error people make is simply taking the same rag or cloth from room to room, wiping down different surfaces and items as they travel. This can actually be a means for bacteria to be easily transferred from surface to surface in the house, potentially causing health issues for people in the house in the process. So here’s one of our key house cleaning tips — make sure your cleaning cloths are being washed regularly, and that you use different cleaning cloths in different areas of the home for better cleaning outcomes. 

3. Invest in a good squeegee 
Windows often get overlooked when it comes to cleaning the house — but in truth, cleaning the interior of your home’s windows can add that extra pop to the way your home looks. So one of our home cleaning tips is if you’re looking for streak-free windows, a good squeegee is a must. Invest wisely now, and you’ll have clear windows for years to come.


In what order should you clean your house?

One of the most important house cleaning tips and tricks is to ensure that you have a system in place before you start. If you don’t, it’s very easy to get sidetracked and distracted, and in turn, slow yourself down in the process. Broadly speaking, you should clean your house from top to bottom, left to right. For example, start by dusting the top of a shelf; if it knocks dust down to the floor, it can be captured later when you’re vacuuming the room. If you approach it the other way around, all of a sudden you’re needlessly vacuuming twice to clean up an area you’d already tidied. Similarly, cleaning left to right helps prevent similar issues when you’re moving across the room, rather than having to continually double back. 

When cleaning a house, where do you start?

There’s a strong element of personal preference when it comes to where people like to start cleaning their house. But if you’re doing a whole, top-to-bottom cleaning of your home, then starting with dusting isn’t a bad option. Dusting is a substantial job in and of itself — but once it’s done, any debris can be cleared up with vacuuming. While it might be tempting to opt for vacuuming first (particularly given that it serves as the foundation for so many other things, like mopping), kick-off with dusting. There’s nothing more frustrating than having thought you were finished cleaning, only to have to get the vacuum out again to clean everything. 

How do you clean your house like a professional?

One of the key professional housekeeping tips is that when it comes to cleaning around the home, the big distinction between amateurs and professionals is in the details. Being heavily practised and having worked in numerous environments, professionals have a key understanding of the spots that might not appear important at first glance but are key to ensuring a great cleaning outcome. 

A complete clean of your home is a multifaceted process, which can take a day or more depending on its current state of cleanliness. Broadly, a thorough clean of your home would include the following elements — though the specific needs of your home may vary: 

  • Vacuuming 
  • Cleaning carpets 
  • Cleaning hardwood or tiled floors (e.g. vacuuming and mopping) 
  • Dusting wooden surfaces
  • Clearing out cupboard interiors
  • Cleaning walls 
  • Cleaning bathroom interior and fixtures 
  • Kitchen cleaning
  • Indoor window washing

Depending on your home, it may also be necessary to clean other rooms, such as the interior of the garage, basement or attic. High contact areas — such as doorknobs, remote controls, fridges, oven handles and light switches should also be thoroughly and regularly cleaned. Additionally, in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, many people are also opting to not only clean but regularly disinfect surfaces throughout their home, to reduce the likelihood of germs being spread. 

Of course, you can always opt to have a professional do the cleaning for you! Jim’s Cleaning offers a wide variety of tailor-made home cleaning services, designed to suit the specific needs of your home and your busy schedule. Jim’s Cleaning also offers disinfect services as both a standalone and add-on service for cleaning. 

What is the fastest way to clean a house?

People are always looking for a magic bullet when it comes to home cleaning tips — but in truth, the fastest way to clean your house is to do a little bit each day. This helps prevent major build-ups and stops you from needing to do major chunks of cleaning in one go. 

Alternatively, one of the most important tips to keep house clean you can use is to invest in a Jim’s Cleaning professional to handle your home cleaning. By scheduling a period deep clean, you’ll be able to make the issues that crop up day to day much more manageable. 

Does Jim’s Cleaning offer any other services? 

Absolutely. In addition to cleaning houses, Jim’s Cleaning also offers a variety of other services, including car detailing, office cleaning, end of lease cleaning, vacate cleaning, pressure washing and carpet cleaning. We can also work around your schedule, to ensure that you get the cleaning services you need when you need them. 

Get your free home cleaning quote from Jim’s Cleaning today
Discover more about how we can help you around the house — reach out to Jim’s Cleaning today to discover how we can help you with your home cleaning needs. We’ll provide you with a free quote and help you discover how you can keep your home looking its best in the process.

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